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File Level Restore (FLR) errors
Updated over 10 months ago


Error Message:Error occurred in browsing the volume.

Error Description:Download the error logs to locate and troubleshoot the problem. For more information, see Logs.

Resolution: Contact Support.


Error Message:

  • Error while restoring the files [Error in File restore before mounting] OR

  • Error while restoring the files [Cannot open <stream>] OR

  • Error while restoring the files[Received invalid restore config : <'Text'>] OR

  • Error while restoring the files [Error in parsing sharename : <'Text'>]

Error Description:Download the error logs to locate and troubleshoot the problem. For more information, see Logs.

Resolution: For a possible resolution, see Restore fails with FLR02 under troubleshooting section.In addition, you can contact Support.


Error Message:

  • Failed to cleanup the mounted partitions [Could not delete vmdk mount point :"<Text>"] OR

  • Failed to cleanup the mounted partitions [Could not remove mount point : "<Text>"]

Error Description:This error can occur if a process other than Druva is accessing the mount point at the time of cleanup.

Resolution:Try to restart the Druva backupproxy. If the issue is not resolved, download the error logs to locate and troubleshoot the problem. For more information, see Logs.


Error Message:Invalid UNC share details received [Restore Failed. Invalid UNC details provided]

Error Description:This error can occur if invalid UNC path or incorrect UNC credentials are provided.

Resolution: Provide the correct UNC path and credentials and try again. If the issue is not resolved, download the error logs to locate and troubleshoot the problem. For more information, see Logs.


Error Message:Browse request timed out.

Error Description:This error occurs if:

  • vCenter is heavily loaded

  • Python Fuse Package is absent

  • Fuse process encountered an error

Error Solution:Contact Support.


Error Message:Failed to list the files or directory at the selected path.

Error Description:This error occurs if the Druva backup proxy is not able to list files or folders on the selected path.

Resolution: Contact Support.


Error Message:Failed to mount disks [Error in restore process:<'Text'>]

Description: This error can occur if the Druva backup proxy is unable to mount a volume for restore.

Resolution:To resolve the error check if:

  • NTFS-3G driver is present. Run: NTFS-3g : rpm -qa | grep "ntfs-3g"

  • Loop driver is loaded with 4096 loop devices ("ls /dev/loop* "). Run: fdisk -l (Mountpoint Vs loop devices Vs sector size)

System should be NTFS in fdisk command's output.


Error Message:Failed to estimate size of files to be restored [Error in restore process : <'Text'>]

Error Description:The selected files and folder are not available at path "/mnt/flr<req id>r"


Error Message:Failed to copy files to UNC share [Error in restore process : <'Text'>]

Error Description:This error occurs if:

  • The UNC share path you provide is incorrect

  • UNC share is not reachable from the backup proxy with write permissions for the specified user

Resolution: Ensure that the UNC path you provide is correct and retry file-level restore.


Error Message:FLR restore not supported. [For VMC environment file-level restore to guest VM is not supported.].

Description: This error occurs if the file-level restore is attempted for VMC and Druva backup proxy version is below 4.8.12_89297.

Resolution:Upgrade the backup proxy to version 4.8.12_89297 or later.


Error Message:Error in restore process: Cannot proceed with restore operation. VMware Tools not running in the selected VM.

Error Description:This error occurs when you try to perform a file-level restore on a virtual machine on which VMware tools are not installed.

Resolution:Install VMware tools on the virtual machine and try again.


Error Message:FLR Agent: Internal Error [Error in creating fuse mount point: Error in spawning fuse process] OR

FLR Agent: Internal Error [Error in creating fuse mount point: Fuse mount already exists]

Error Description:Download the error logs to locate and troubleshoot the problem. For more information, see Logs.

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