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SQL errors
Updated over a week ago


Error Message: The SQL agent encountered an internal error

Error Solution: Contact Support.


Error Message: Metadata mismatched from the last backup. The SQL Server instance was probably not backed up in the previous backup cycle.

Error Description: This error can occur if the metadata of the database selected for backup does not match with the database metadata when it was backed up earlier.

Error Solution: Run a full backup through the Management Console.


Error Message: Specified instance not found on present application server.:[Attempting to restore to instance <logical path of instance> not found in server]

Error Description: This error can occur if the specified instance is not present on the target machine.

Error Solution: To resolve the error:

  • Restore the database file to an alternate location. These files can be used to restore databases by attaching it to the other SQL instance.

  • Ensure that the instance is running on the target machine.


Error Message: Failed to get the SQL product version

Error Description: This error can occur because of one of the following reasons:

  • sqlcmd is not configured.

  • There is an error with sqlcmd.

Error Solution: To resolve this error:

  • On the command prompt, type "sqlcmd" to check if sqlcmd is configured.

  • Retry the operation.

📝 Note

This error is applicable for SQL agent versions 4.6.5 and earlier.


Error Message: Druva SQL agent found no instance/database on the server to backup or the SQL service is not running or the backup policy is set to exclude all the databases.

Error Description: This error can occur because of one of the following reasons:

  • Log chain is broken for selected databases.

  • All databases in simple recovery mode for log backup.

  • All databases excluded from UI.

Error Solution: To resolve this error:

  • Ensure at least one instance is online and in the working state.

  • Check backup policy and the excluded folder entries.

  • Trigger a full/differential backup.

  • Disable third-party backup tool.

  • At least one database should have FULL recovery mode.

  • Update excluded databases list.


Error Message: Hybrid Workloads agent encountered ODBC driver error

Error Description: This error can occur because of one of the following reasons:

  • Connection with SQL server lost.

  • Meta information for database not available.

  • Not enough permission to access SQL server.

Error Solution: To resolve this error:

  • Check if SQL server instance is up and running.

  • Permissions for local system account enabled as per documentation.


Error Message: Hybrid Workloads agent encountered VIDLIB application error

Error Description: This error can occur because of one of the following reasons:

  • Local network connection disabled

  • Unable to create virtual connection with SQL server

  • Not enough permissions to access SQL server

  • The point-in-time or transaction mark restore of the database fails when log chain for database breaks due to changed/replaced data files.

Error Solution: This error can be resolved in the following ways:

  • It can be a transient issue and might be auto-resolved in the next log backup cycle.

  • Check the permissions for local system account enabled as per documentation.


Error Message: SQL Agent internal error occurred

Error Solution: Contact Support.


Error Message: Marked transaction timestamp not found. Insufficient transaction logs to restore marked transaction.

Error Description: This error can occur due to:

  • Broken transaction log chain

  • Timestamp issues

Error Solution: Contact Support.


Error Message: Invalid time-stamp for point-in-time restore

Error Description: This error can occur due to:

  • Broken transaction log chain

  • Timestamp issues

Error Solution: Contact Support.


Error Message: Database is not compatible on a for target SQL server. Please check version compatibility level.

Error Description: This error can occur because the SQL Server restore instance is incompatible.

Error Solution: To resolve this issue, try to restore your database on a compatible SQL server instance. See ALTER DATABASE Compatibility level.

📝 Note

This issue is not applicable on SQL server agent 4.6.5 and earlier.


Error Message: SQL agent encountered an internal error

Error Solution: Contact Support.


Error Message: SQL Server backup node not healthy.

Error Description: This error occurs when the availability group node is not connected or not in the healthy state.

Error Solution: To resolve this issue, check the status of the cluster and availability group and identify whether there are nodes available based on the backup preference.


Error Message: SQL server discovery on the client failed

Error Description: This error occurs when Druva does not discover MS-SQL resources, such as instances and AGs.

Error Solution: To resolve this issue, check the Druva client log file for errors. Contact Support.


Error Message: Different client versions for AG nodes.

Error Description: This error occurs when the different Druva client versions are installed on the availability group nodes.

Error Solution: To resolve this issue, ensure that you install the same version of the Hybrid Workloads agent on all the availability group nodes.


Error Message: Failed to trigger backup request due to unavailability of SQL node.

Error Description: This error occurs due to a failure of the Hybrid Workloads agent to trigger backup request caused by unavailability of a SQL node. Check the connection status of the SQL node.

Error Solution: To resolve this issue, check the status of the cluster and availability group and identify whether there are nodes available based on the backup preference.


Error Message: Incorrect CLI parameter for schedule passed for triggering the backup job

Error Description: This error can occur if no backup schedule is found for a CLI-triggered backup job.

Error Solution: Cross-check the backup policy schedule parameter while triggering the SQL backup through CLI.


Error Message: Incorrect CLI parameter for SQL resource passed for triggering the backup job

Error Description: This error can occur if you provide an invalid name for an instance or availability group for a CLI-triggered backup job.

Error Solution: Cross-check the resource parameter while triggering the SQL backup through CLI.


Error Message: Incorrect CLI parameter for backup set or policy passed for triggering the backup job

Error Description: This error can occur for a CLI-triggered backup job, because of the following reasons:

  • A backup set is not configured

  • A backup set is disabled

  • A backup type is not configured in the backup set.

Error Solution: Cross-check the backup set parameter while triggering the SQL backup through CLI.


Error Message: Backup job can't be triggered because 2 or more backup jobs are running.

Error Description: This error can occur, if two or more CLI-triggered backup jobs are already running.

Error Solution: To resolve this issue, wait until there are less than two CLI-triggered backup jobs running.


Error Message: Triggered backup job for log backup is not created.

Error Description: This error can occur if no full backup exists, or another full or differential backup is ongoing for the CLI-triggered backup job.

Error Solution: To resolve this issue, ensure that you perform a full backup and then retry when no full or differential backup is ongoing.


Error Message: SQL Server version not supported.

Error Description: This error occurs if you’re trying to back up or restore a SQL Server version that is not yet supported.

Error Solution: Check your SQL server version. To see the supported versions, see Supported SQL Server versions.


Error Message: SQL Agent Failed to get Job Config.

Error Description: This error occurs if you’re attempting to get a job config from the server when the services are down during a maintenance window.

Error Solution: Retrigger the job. If the issue persists, contact Support.


Error Message: Error occurred during creating restore view in Post Backup operation.

Error Description: This error occurs due to the following reasons:

  • Low disk space.

  • Insufficient disk permissions.

  • Insufficient permissions on SQL server.

Error Solution:

  • Check available disk space.

  • Check the permissions on the log folder and retry the backup operation.

  • For VSS Operation, check if public and dbowner permissions are provided. For VDI based backups check if sysadmin is provided.


Error Message: Error occurred during Initialize Backup operation.

Error Description: This error occurs during a VSS backup operation due to low disk space, insufficient user privileges, user ACL settings.

Error Solution: Check the system and the app event logs for more details. If the issue persists, contact Support.


Error Message: No new backup job can be created until the first full backup is completed.

Error Description: This error can occur if backup jobs are triggered from the command line before the first, full backup completes.

Error Solution: To resolve this issue, ensure that you wait until the first, full backup completes.


Error Message: Database not found during upload.

Error Description: This error can occur if the database on an instance is deleted during backup.

Error Solution: To resolve this issue, ensure that the database on the instance is not deleted during the backup operation.


Error Message: Failed to get product version info for instance [instance_name]

Error Description: This error occurs when the Hybrid Workloads agent cannot identify the SQL Server version. One of the reasons why the Hybrid Workloads agent cannot identify the SQL Server version is if TLS 1.0/1.1 is disabled.

Error Solution: If TLS 1.0/1.1 is disabled, install the SQL Server Native Client driver 11.0. You can download the SQL Server Native Client driver for the MS-SQL Server 2012 from the Microsoft Download Center. If the problem persists, contact Support.


Error Message: Database state error.

Error Description: This error can occur for the replace original database restore job if:

  • The database does not exist on the selected SQL Server instance

  • The database selected for replacement is running on a SQL Server instance that is a part of an Availability Group

  • The selected SQL Server instance is in No recovery mode

Error Solution: To resolve this issue, ensure that:

  • The database exists on the selected SQL Server instance

  • The SQL Server instance is not a part of an Availability Group

  • The SQL Server instance is not in the No-Recovery mode


Error Message: Failed to detach database.

Error Description: This error can occur if Druva cannot detach the database from its SQL Server instance during restore.

Error Solution: To resolve this issue, check:

  • If the database exists on the SQL Server instance

  • If any issue on the SQL Server instance is stopping the database from getting detached


Error Message: Current log backup job expired, new log backup job is queued.

Error Description: This error can occur if Druva schedules a new SQL log backup job when an existing log backup job is already queued. Druva queues only one SQL log backup job at a time. Therefore, when Druva triggers a new log backup job, the job gets queued and the earlier log backup job in the queued state is marked as "Backup window expired". This behavior avoids multiple log backup jobs getting accumulated in the queued state, which can occur when a log backup job runs for a long time.


Error message: Druva client has not been activated on this device.

Error description: This error occurs when the Hybrid Workloads agent (client) needs to be activated on the selected SQL Resource.
For a SQL Server instance, the client needs to be activated on the selected instance, whereas for an Availability Group (AG), the client needs to be activated on all the nodes of the Availability Group.

Error solution:
Ensure that you install and activate the Hybrid Workloads agent on the selected SQL Server and Availability Nodes. If already activated, then restart the Hybrid Workloads client service.


Error message:Failing job operation, because Sysadmin privileges are not assigned for the user.

Error Description:Druva interfaces with Microsoft Virtual Device Interface (VDI) to back up and restore SQL Database Transaction Logs and SQL VDI differential backups. The user account assigned to the SQL server needs to have the sysadmin role.

Error Solution:Assign credentials to the SQL server, and ensure that the assigned user account has the sysadmin role. For more information, see System requirements for MS-SQL servers and Join a role.


Error Message: Error while initializing VSS library for Backup.

Error Description: This error occurs during VSS backup operation due to low disk space or user ACL settings.

Error Solution: Check the system and app event logs for more details. If the issue persists, contact Support.


Error Message: Error while validating Backup request.

Error Description: This error occurs when a server is not running, or SQL or VSS writer services are restarted during the process.

Error Solution: Retry the backup operation.


Error Message: Error while checking share resync.

Error Description: This error occurs during a backup when a resync request is received from storage for a file or folder.

Error Solution: Retry the backup operation.


Error Message: Error while creating VSS snapshot.

Error Description: This error occurs while creating the VSS snapshot. This could be due to the following reasons:

  • An issue with the VSS writer state.

  • Insufficient disk space.

  • Incorrect system ACL Settings.

Error Solution: Check the available disk space. Check the permissions on the log folder and retry the backup operation. If the issue persists, contact Support.


Error message: Failed to detach database(s) from instance.

Error Description: You may run into this error while choosing to Restore database files from a recovery point that has a VDI differential recovery point. While restoring from a VDI recovery point, the Hybrid Workloads agent creates a temporary user database and restores .mdf, .ndf, and .ldf files over this database. The agent then restores .bak file data over the database and detaches the temporary database. At this point, the database detach may fail if the Hybrid Workloads agent does have the privileges to detach a database.

Error Solution: Use the SQL Management Studio, and perform the following tasks:

  1. Right-click the user database < rst_databasename > referenced in the error, navigate to Tasks, and then click Detach.

  2. In the Detach Database dialog box, select Drop Connections and Update Statistics.

  3. Click Detach.

When you detach all the restored databases manually, the databases are deleted automatically. The database files are available at the specified restore destination.


Error message: Restore Failed as database files already present in given download location. Please delete or move the files from downloaded location and trigger the restore again.

Error description:

You may run into this error while restoring a database to the original SQL Server instance and choosing to replace the original database. This error can occur if the original location has database files associated with a working database on the SQL Server instance.

Error solution: Determine the location of the preexisting database files from Job Progress Logs in the UI or the client job logs, and either delete the files or move them to another location. Trigger the restore again.


Error message: Failing job operation, because the CREATE ANY DATABASE permission is not assigned for the user.

Error description:

Druva interfaces with Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy service (VSS) to take recovery point based backups and restores. The user account assigned to the SQL server needs to have the CREATE ANY DATABASE permission.

Error solution: Assign credentials to the SQL server. Ensure that the assigned user account has the dbcreator/sysadmin role. This can also be done by adding CREATE ANY DATABASE in the SQL Server user permissions for the current login. For more information, see Manage credentials for MS-SQL servers and Join a role.


Error message:Transaction log backups will fail as all databases are in Simple recovery model.

Error description: This error occurs when all the databases of a backup set are in the Simple recovery model. SQL Server databases configured with Simple recovery model do not support log backups to keep the space requirements small. Therefore, the transaction log backups for this backup set will fail.

Error solution:
Before creating or editing a backup set, ensure that at least one of the selected databases is configured with the Full recovery model.
Alternatively, you can remove the Transaction Log schedule from the selected backup policy or select another backup policy without a Transaction Log Backup Schedule.
For more information on modifying the Recovery Model of SQL-Server Databases, see


Error Message: Restore job failed as the Tail-Log backup is not successful.
Error Description: The Tail-Log restore job failed as you selected the Abort restore if tail-log backup fails option while triggering the Tail-Log restore job.
Error Solution: Check the Tail-Log backup job error. If you still want to continue with the Tail-Log Restore, then deselect the Abort restore if tail-log backup fails option and then trigger the Tail-Log restore job.


Error Message: Unable to perform download/restore on the restore location due to permission issue. Provide administrator permission for the specified folder/drive.
Error Description:

  • In order to download and restore the database files, the Hybrid Workloads service needs to have open, create, read, and write permissions on the given restore location.

  • If the restore directory does not have these permissions to all the Windows users on that machine, then the non-administrator users cannot access the restore directory.

  • This error occurs when the user through which the Hybrid Workloads agent runs does not have access to the restore directory.

Error Solution: If the Hybrid Workloads service is running on a Standard Windows user, you can assign create, read, write, and open privileges to ‘Everyone’ for the particular restore directory. Otherwise, make sure that the Hybrid Workloads service is running on a Windows user that already has the administrator privileges.


Error Message: Restore will fail as VSS Writer or SQLWriter Service is not running on the target device.

Error Description: This error can occur if the VSS service is not running or the SQL Writer is not in a stable state.

Error Solution:

Check the VSS service. If the VSS service is not running, manually start the service and switch it to automatic mode. If VSS service is disabled, then switch it to automatic mode.

To know if the VSS SQL writer is in running and have a stable state, type the following on the command-prompt:
vssadmin List Writers

The SQL writer on the Windows services must be running and enabled. It must also be set to automatic.

If both the VSS service and SQLWriter are running, you can restart these services


Error Message: Error while getting PIT Range.

Error Description: An error occurred while getting Point-in-Time range. This could be due to the inability of the agent to get the PIT range for the selected databases.

Error Solution: Make sure that the backup user in the service has sysadmin privileges in SQL server and retry the backup operation.


Error Message: Error during Device commit in post Backup.

Error Description: This error occurs due to the following reasons:

  • The ioserver started by the SQL agent is in stopped state or is killed.

  • The server is in maintenance window.

Error Solution: Retry the backup operation.


Error Message: Error while setting job status in post Backup.

Error Description: This error occurs due to the following reasons:

  • The ioserver started by the SQL agent is in stopped state or is killed.

  • The server is in maintenance window.

Error Solution: Retry the backup operation.


Error Message: Failed to Backup SQL Databases.

Error Description: This error occurs due to the following reasons:

  • The ioserver started by the SQL agent is in the stopped state or is killed.

  • The server is in maintenance window.

  • Insufficient disk space is available for the backup operation.

  • The agent on SQL server is killed.

Error Solution: Check the available disk space. Check the permissions on the log folder and retry the backup operation. If the issue persists, contact Support.


Error Message: Failed to create a restore library.

Error Description: This error occurs due to the following reasons:

  • The agent is not able to load VSS lib due to an incorrect writer state.

  • The agent doesn't have sufficient permissions to start the restore operation.

  • Insufficient disk space is available.

Error Solution: Check the available disk space. Check the permissions on the log folder and retry the backup operation. If the issue persists, contact Support.


Error Message: Error while creating TailLog local copy.

Error Description: This error occurs due to the following reasons:

  • The agent doesn't have sufficient permissions to create a local tail log copy.

  • Insufficient disk space is available.

Error Solution: Check available disk space. Check the permissions on the log folder and retry the backup operation. If the issue persists, contact Support.


Error Message: Error while preparing VSS document for restore.

Error Description: This error occurs if the agent is unable to set the downloaded VSS doc in SQL writer context due to the following reasons:

  • Incorrect SQLwriter state.

  • Incorrect state of the system or the VSS writer.

  • SQL Services are not running.

Error Solution: Check available disk space. Check the permissions on the log folder and retry the backup operation. If the issue persists, contact Support.


Error Message: Log backup is skipped as another log backup job for a backup set is in the running or queued state.

Error Description: This error occurs when the scheduled log backup job is skipped as there is a queued or running log backup job for the same backup set.

Error Solution: Monitor the subsequent log backups. If the problem persists, contact Support.


Warning Message: Database name availability check (displayed with warning icon)

Warning Description: If a database with the same name already exists in the system and you proceed with the restore operation despite our pre-check warnings, the existing database will be overwritten and replaced.

Warning Solution: Ensure you choose a unique name for the database when restoring to avoid conflicts with existing databases on the target system.


Error Message: Database name availability check. (displayed with error icon)

Error Description: This error occurs in the following scenarios:

  • Attempting a restore operation on a database when the chosen name is already in use by another database within the same availability group.

  • Attempting to restore to a database previously associated with an availability group, whether the restore target is currently in an availability group or is a standalone database.

Error Solution: To resolve this issue:

  • Select a distinct and unique database name for the restore if it involves an availability group.

  • If it is necessary to replace the original database, ensure it is detached from the availability group before initiating the restoration process.

Note that if you remove the original database from the availability group and attempt to restore a database using the same name, you will get a warning message indicating that the database will be replaced. See SQL83.


Error Message: Failed to put metadata to server.

Error Description: This error occurs due to the following reasons:

  • The ioserver started by the SQL agent is in the stopped state or is killed.

  • The server is in the maintenance window

Error Solution:

  • Check available disk space.

  • Check if ports are available and no other drst-ioserver or SQL-ioserver process are running.

  • Retry the operation once the maintenance window is completed or the server services are running again.

If the issue persists, contact Support.


Error Message: Failed to get metadata from server

Error Description: This error occurs due to the following reasons:

  • The ioserver started by the SQL agent is in stopped state or is killed.

  • The server is in the maintenance window.

Error Solution:

  • Check available disk space.

  • Check if ports are available and no other drst-ioserver or SQL-ioserver process are running.

  • Retry the operation once the maintenance window is completed or the server services are running again.

If the issue persists, contact Support.


Error Message: SQL IOServer Internal Error.

Error Description: This error occurs due to the following reasons:

  • The ioserver started by the SQL agent is in stopped state or is killed.

  • No port is available to start the ioserver.

Error Solution:

  • Check available disk space.

  • Check if ports are available and no other drst-ioserver or SQL-ioserver process are running.

  • Retry the operation once the maintenance window is completed or the server services are running again.

If the issue persists, contact Support.


Error Message: Failed to initialize IO client.

Error Description: This error occurs due to the following reasons:

  • The ioserver started by the SQL agent is in stopped state or is killed.

  • No port is available to start the ioserver.

Error Solution:

  • Check available disk space.

  • Check if ports are available and no other drst-ioserver or SQL-ioserver process are running.

  • Retry the operation once the maintenance window is completed or the server services are running again.

If the issue persists, contact Support.


Error Message: Failed to start IO client session

Error Description: This error occurs due to the following reasons:

  • The ioserver started by the SQL agent is in stopped state or is killed.

  • No port is available to start the ioserver.

Error Solution:

  • Check available disk space.

  • Check if ports are available and no other drst-ioserver or SQL-ioserver processes are running.

  • Retry the operation once the maintenance window is completed or the server services are running again.

If the issue persists, contact Support.


Error Message: Failed to get IO client status.

Error Description: This error occurs due to the following reasons:

  • The ioserver started by the SQL agent is in stopped state or is killed.

  • No port is available to start the ioserver.

Error Solution:

  • Check available disk space.

  • Check if ports are available and no other drst-ioserver or SQL-ioserver process are running.

  • Retry the operation once the maintenance window is completed or the server services are running again.

If the issue persists, contact Support.


Error Message: IO client failed

Error Description: This error occurs due to the following reasons:

  • The ioserver started by the SQL agent is in stopped state or is killed.

  • No port is available to start the ioserver.

Error Solution:

  • Check available disk space.

  • Check if ports are available and no other drst-ioserver or SQL-ioserver process are running.

  • Retry the operation once the maintenance window is completed or the server services are running again.

If the issue persists, contact Support.


Error Message: Failed to fill metadata struct.

Error Description: This error occurs due to the following reasons:

  • The downloaded metadata is incorrect.

  • The server is in maintenance mode.

Error Solution: Retry operation once maintenance window is completed or druva server services are running again

If the issue persists, contact Support.


Error Message: Error while handling replace original.

Error Description: This error occurs during the “Replace Original” restore operation due to the following reasons:

  • Insufficient privileges on the SQL server to take the database offline and delete the database.

  • Insufficient disk permissions.

  • Database or file(s) are corrupted.

Error Solution:

  • Verify if the correct permissions are provided on the SQL server for the agent services.

  • Check and correct the disk ACL permissions.


Error Message: Error while checking server compatibility for restore.

Error Description: This error occurs during restores when an incompatible server is selected as the destination server for a database restore.

Error Solution: Trigger another restore to a compatible server.


Error Message: Error while preparing VDI restore.

Error Description: This error occurs in a restore operation when:

  • The agent is not able to load the VDI library due to the incorrect state of the writer.

  • The agent doesn't have sufficient permissions to start the restore operation.

  • Low disk space is available.

Error Solution:

  • Check available disk space.

  • Check SQL Writer services and disk permissions.

If the issue persists, contact Support.


Error Message: Error while preparing VSS restore.

Error Description: This error occurs during a restore operation when:

  • The agent is not able to load the VSS library due to the incorrect state of the writer.

  • The agent doesn't have sufficient permissions to start the restore operation.

  • Low disk space is available.

Error Solution:

  • Check available disk space.

  • Check SQL Writer services and disk permissions.

If the issue persists, contact Support.


Error Message: Error while modifying DB state.

Error Description: This error occurs during the “Replace Original” restore operation due to the following reasons:

  • Insufficient privileges on SQL server to modify database state.

  • If the database is not restored properly via VSS or VDI restore operations.

Error Solution:

  • Verify if the correct permissions are provided on the SQL server for the agent services.

  • Verify if the correct disk ACL permissions are provided.


Error Message: Error while performing restore.

Error Description: This error occurs when the agent is unable to download a database file from the server.

Error Solution: Retry operation in some time. If the issue persists, contact Support.


Error Message: Error while marking restore done.

Error Description: This error occurs when the agent is unable to download a database file from the server.

Error Solution: Retry the operation in some time. If the issue persists, contact Support.


Error Message: Error while pre-post restore operation.

Error Description: This error occurs when VSS writers are in an incorrect state during restore operations.

Error Solution: Check the system and the app event logs for more details. Retry the restore operation. If the issue persists, contact Support.


Error Message: Error while restore as database operation

Error Description: This error occurs when VSS writers are in an incorrect state during the restore operations.

Error Solution: Check the system and the app event logs for more details. Retry the restore operation. If the issue persists, contact Support.


Error Message: Error while preparing restore operation while getting the selected databases for restore.

Error Description: This error occurs when VSS writers are in an incorrect state during the restore operations.

Error Solution: Check the system and the app event logs for more details. Retry the restore operation. If the issue persists, contact Support.


Error Message: Error while marking VSS backup status.

Error Description: This error occurs when VSS writers are in an incorrect state during the restore operations.

Error Solution: Check the state of the VSS writer and retry the restore operation.


Error Message: Failed to get HCache stamp for the Backupset.

Error Description: This error occurs due to the following reasons:

1. If downloaded metadata is incorrect.

2. If server is in maintenance mode.

Error Solution: Retry the backup operation once the maintenance window is completed and services are running again. If the issue persists, contact Support.


Error Message: Error while downloading StandBy Restore Files.

Error Description: This error occurs when the SQL agent is unable to download a database file from the server.

Error Solution: Retry the restore operation once the maintenance window is completed and services are running again. If the issue persists, contact Support.


Error Message: Failed to upload logs to server.

Error Description: This error occurs when the agent is unable to upload the logs to the server due to the server being unavailable or in maintenance.

Error Solution: Retry the backup operation once the maintenance window is completed and services are running again. If the issue persists, contact Support.


Error Message: SQL GO uploader failed to upload one or more files to the cloud, Backup failed.

Error Description: This error occurs when the agent is unable to backup a database file from the server.

Error Solution: Retry the backup operation once the maintenance window is completed and services are running again. If the issue persists, contact Support.


Error Message: Error while setting progress stats.

Error Description: This error occurs when the agent is unable to send progress stats to the server due to the server being unavailable or in maintenance.

Error Solution: Retry the backup operation once the maintenance window is completed and services are running again. If the issue persists, contact Support.

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