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Exporting NAS data from Cloud using AWS Snowball Edge
Exporting NAS data from Cloud using AWS Snowball Edge
Updated over 5 months ago

❗ Important

  • Druva provides this feature as an add-on service and this service is charged separately. It is not a part of the standard Druva Business subscription. Contact the Druva Sales team for more details.

  • This feature is not available for Druva Gov Cloud.

Druva provides a bulk export service that enables you to obtain a copy of your organization’s data stored in the Druva Cloud. The requested data is shipped to your data center using an AWS Snowball Edge. This service accelerates large data restores from the Druva Cloud in a bandwidth-compromised environment. Druva currently restores data backed up from File servers, NAS shares, SQL resources, and VMware and Hyper-V virtual machines.

You can use the bulk export service in the following situations:

  • To recover data when a disaster strikes your organization. For example, the organization data can be compromised due to various business threats, such as malicious attacks, accidental data deletions, network outages, data center failures, and so on.

  • To ensure data compliance you can request to export data out of the Druva Cloud.

  • To restore the complete data of your organization on the termination of your contract with Druva.

📝 Note
You can use one Snowball Edge device for restoring data from only one storage region. AWS strictly prohibits the movement of the same device across storage regions. To restore data from multiple storage regions, Druva ships multiple Snowball Edge devices to the respective storage regions.


The following diagram depicts the bulk data export workflow:


Steps to restore data using AWS Snowball Edge

  1. A customer sends a request for a copy of data to Support. Support sends a template to the customer requesting for the data details as shown below:

    • Resource Type:

      • File Server:

        • Resource Name: <File_Server_Name>

        • Backup Set (Content Rule/Custom Content), Virtual Machine, or NAS Share Name: <Content_Rule>

        • Recovery point(s):

          • <Date Timestamp of RP1>

          • <Date Timestamp of RP2>

      • SQL Server:

        • Resource Name: <SQL_Server_Name>

        • Backup Set (Content Rule/Custom Content), Virtual Machine, or NAS Share Name: <Custom_Content>

        • Recovery point(s):

          • <Date Timestamp of RP1>

          • <Date Timestamp of RP2>

      • Virtual Machine:

        • Resource Name: <Virtual_Machine_Name>

        • Backup Set (Content Rule/Custom Content), Virtual Machine, or NAS Share Name: <Virtual_Machine_Name>

        • Recovery point(s):

          • <Date Timestamp of RP1>

          • <Date Timestamp of RP2>

      • Hyper-V:

        • Resource Name: <Hyper-V_Name>

        • Backup Set (Content Rule/Custom Content), Virtual Machine, or NAS Share Name: <Virtual_Machine_Name>

        • Recovery point(s):

          • <Date Timestamp of RP1>

          • <Date Timestamp of RP2>

      • NAS:

        • Resource Name: <NAS_Share_Name>

        • Backup Set (Content Rule/Custom Content), Virtual Machine, or NAS Share Name: <Share_Name>

        • Recovery point(s): ​​​​​​​

          • <Date Timestamp of RP1>

          • <Date Timestamp of RP2

📝 Note
Ensure that the backup sets listed in the template are not associated with any CloudCache.

  1. The customer enters the required details in the template and sends the template to Druva Support. The customer must provide the following information in the template: the type of the resource, name of the server or virtual machine whose data is to be restored, backup set/content rule/custom content/NAS share name, and the recovery point details.

  2. Druva creates an unconfigured CloudCache for the customer’s organization and lists it in the Unconfigured CloudCache tab of the Manage CloudCache page.

  3. Druva orders an AWS Snowball Edge device, which is shipped to the customer’s organization with the requested data.

  4. After the Snowball Edge device is delivered to the customer’s organization, the customer needs to unlock the device. For instructions on how to unlock the Snowball Edge device, see Set up and unlock Snowball Edge.
    Run the following activation command to activate the Snowball Edge device (EC2 instance):

    PhoenixActivate activate_bulkexport_cache --snowball_access_key <access_key> --snowball_secret_key <secret_key> --snowball_ip <SBE_IP> --s3_bucket <sbe_s3_bucket> --type BulkExport --token <token>


    PhoenixActivate activate_bulkexport_cache --snowball_access_key AKIAJL2GFJAJA4YX2DQA --snowball_secret_key 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 --snowball_ip <SBE_IP> --s3_bucket <sbe_s3_bucket> --type BulkExport --token 1034-1-93-d0c609a440fe9d80fb3c036c58525f7d99371da15b18dd91f03dc471f3533b75

    📝 Note
    The backup sets are automatically attached to the CloudCache on activation.

  5. After activation, the CloudCache is automatically configured for restore. Any backups to the CloudCache will be blocked for the associated backup sets and will fail if the Backup to Cloud if unable to backup to Cache option is disabled. The customer can now perform the restore operation for the required backup set from the Management Console.

    📝 Note
    You cannot add synchronization schedules to the CloudCache and the Add Data Volume and the Edit buttons are disabled for this CloudCache.

  6. After the data is restored, the customer decommissions the CloudCache on the Management Console.
    On decommission, the Snowball Edge device is shipped back to Druva and all the backup sets attached to the CloudCache are detached. Druva continues to back up data to the Druva Cloud as per the backup schedule.

Set up and unlock Snowball Edge

Perform the following steps to set up and unlock the Snowball Edge device.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have the following information handy:

  • Snowball Edge manifest file, which is provided by Druva and available only after Snowball Edge has been delivered

  • Snowball Edge unlock code, which is provided by Druva and available only after Snowball Edge has been delivered

  • SSH key for accessing the EC2 instance on Snowball Edge, which is provided by Druva and available only after Snowball Edge has been delivered

  • Two IP addresses

    • Snowball Edge will communicate with the Internet via one IP address over HTTPS

    • Both the IP addresses can be assigned through DHCP

Set up and unlock Snowball Edge

  1. Connect the Snowball Edge device to your internal network and turn the device on.

  2. Wait for a few minutes while the device boots up.

    📝 Note
    In the case of DHCP,you will know you are properly connected to the network when the IP address is displayed in the Connection tab. In the case of STATIC, you will need to enter these fields manually on the LCD display.

  1. Note the IP address of the Snowball Edge device on its LCD display.

  2. Run the


    command from the Snowball Client CLI with the IP address of the Snowball Edge device to ensure that it is connected.

Perform the following steps on the Snowball client

📝 Note
As an example, we are using the values of Snowball Edge IP address as 172.x.x.10 and the EC2 IP address as 172.x.x.45.

  1. Run the following command on the command prompt of the Snowball Edge client to unlock the AWS Snowball Edge device. The value of the endpoint field is the IP address of the Snowball Edge device. Use the manifest file and unlock code provided by Druva to unlock the Snowball Edge device.

     snowballEdge unlock-device --endpoint https:// Snowball_Edge_IP_address  --manifest-file  path/to/manifest/file  --unlock-code  29-character_unlock_code 


    snowballEdge unlock-device --endpoint 
     --manifest-file JID7fa3b0c4-xxxx-xxxx-9bd3-5fb0136e4bae_manifest.bin --unlock-code 89faf-xxxxx-xxxxx-f892c-9c141
  2. Verify that the Snowball Edge device is unlocked by running the following command:

    snowballEdge describe-device --endpoint https:// Snowball_Edge_IP_address  --manifest-file  path/to/manifest/file  --unlock-code  29-character_unlock_  code 


    snowballEdge describe-device --endpoint  https://172.x.x.10  --manifest-file JID7fa3b0c4-xxxx-xxxx-9bd3-5fb0136e4bae_manifest.bin --unlock-code 89faf-xxxxx-xxxxx-f892c-9c141

    📝 Note
    The message

    “State” : “UNLOCKED”

    appears as part of the output upon the success of the unlock operation. Note the value of the PhysicalNetworkInterfaceId field associated with the IP address of the Snowball Edge device.
    If the message

    “State” : “UNLOCKED” 

    does not appear, wait for some time as the unlocking process might take some time. Alternatively, you can verify the manifest file and unlock codes and check if the LCD display on the AWS Snowball Edge device's front indicates that the device is ready for use.

  1. Check the status of s3 and ec2 services by running the following commands:

    • For s3:

      snowballEdge describe-service --endpoint https:// Snowball_Edge_IP_address  --manifest-file  path/to/manifest/file  --unlock-code  29-character unlock code  --service-id s3


      snowballEdge describe-service --endpoint  https://172.x.x.10  --manifest-file JID7fa3b0c4-xxxx-xxxx-9bd3-5fb0136e4bae_manifest.bin --unlock-code 89faf-xxxxx-xxxxx-f892c-9c141 --service-id s3
    • For ec2:

      snowballEdge describe-service --endpoint https:// Snowball_Edge_IP_address  --manifest-file  path/to/manifest/file  --unlock-code  29-character unlock code  --service-id ec2


      snowballEdge describe-service --endpoint  https://172.x.x.10  --manifest-file JID7fa3b0c4-xxxx-xxxx-9bd3-5fb0136e4bae_manifest.bin --unlock-code 89faf-xxxxx-xxxxx-f892c-9c141 --service-id ec2 

    📝 Note
    This command returns a status value for a service. It also includes state information that might be helpful in resolving issues you encounter with the service. These states are as follows:
    ACTIVE: The service is running and available for use.
    ACTIVATING: The service is starting up, but it is not yet available for use.
    DEACTIVATING: The service is in the process of shutting down.
    INACTIVE: The service is not running and is not available for use.

    Ensure that the output states the status of the services as ACTIVE. If the state does not appear as ACTIVE, contact Druva Support.

  1. Create a virtual private network interface. The following examples show the execution of this command with the two different IP address assignment methods, either DHCP or STATIC, depending on the network configuration. Use the value of the


    field as the one that you noted in Step 2.

    • For DHCP:

      snowballEdge create-virtual-network-interface --physical-network-interface-id  physical network configuration ID  --ip-address-assignment DHCP --endpoint https:// Snowball_Edge_IP_address  --manifest-file  path/to/manifest/file --unlock-code  29-character unlock code 


      snowballEdge create-virtual-network-interface --physical-network-interface-id --ip-address-assignment DHCP --endpoint  https://172.x.x.10  --manifest-file JID7fa3b0c4-xxxx-xxxx-9bd3-5fb0136e4bae_manifest.bin --unlock-code 89faf-xxxxx-xxxxx-f892c-9c141 
    • For STATIC:

      snowballEdge create-virtual-network-interface --physical-network-interface-id  physical network configuration ID  --ip-address-assignment STATIC --static-ip-address-configuration IpAddress= EC2 _ IP_address,Netmask= netmask --endpoint https:// Snowball_Edge_IP_address  --manifest-file  path/to/manifest/file --unlock-code  29-character unlock code 


      snowballEdge create-virtual-network-interface --physical-network-interface-id --ip-address-assignment STATIC --static-ip-address-configuration IpAddress=172.x.x.45, --endpoint  https://172.x.x.1 0 --manifest-file JID7fa3b0c4-xxxx-xxxx-9bd3-5fb0136e4bae_manifest.bin --unlock-code 89faf-xxxxx-xxxxx-f892c-9c141
  2. Obtain the access key and the secret access key for accessing the EC2 instance on Snowball Edge by running the following commands:

    • For the access key:

      snowballEdge list-access-keys --endpoint https:// Snowball_Edge_IP_address  --manifest-file  path/to/manifest/file  --unlock-code  29-character unlock code 


      snowballEdge list-access-keys --endpoint  https://172.x.x.10  --manifest-file JID7fa3b0c4-xxxx-xxxx-9bd3-5fb0136e4bae_manifest.bin --unlock-code 89faf-xxxxx-xxxxx-f892c-9c141 
    • For the secret access key:

      snowballEdge get-secret-access-key --endpoint https:// Snowball_Edge_IP_address  --manifest-file  path/to/manifest/file  --unlock-code  29-character unlock code  --access-key-id  access key  --profile user


      snowballEdge get-secret-access-key --endpoint  https://172.x.x.10  --manifest-file JID7fa3b0c4-xxxx-xxxx-9bd3-5fb0136e4bae_manifest.bin --unlock-code 89faf-xxxxx-xxxxx-f892c-9c141 --access-key-id 2OEYMELHRKVSOE5xxxx --profile user 
  3. Create an AWS profile to store the access credentials by using the following command:

    aws configure --profile  profile_name 


    aws configure --profile sb2

    You are prompted to enter the AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Access Key, Default region name, and Default output format. The default region name is the region where the Snowball Edge device is ordered and the default output format is json. For example, if you ordered the Snowball Edge device for us-west-1, the default region name would be us-west-1.

  4. Configure the EC2 instance on the Snowball Edge device by running the following command:

    aws ec2 describe-images --endpoint http:// Snowball_Edge_IP_address:8008   --profile 


    aws ec2 describe-images --endpoint  http://172.x.x.10:8008   --profile sb2

    Note the value of ImageId and use it while executing the following command to launch the EC2 instance:

    aws ec2 run-instances --image-id  ImageId  --count 1  --endpoint http:// Snowball_Edge_IP_address:8008  --instance-type sbe1.4xlarge --profile  profile_name 


    aws ec2 run-instances --image-id snow.ami-7xxxxx03 --count 1  --endpoint  http://172.x.x.10:8008  --instance-type sbe1.4xlarge --profile sb2 
  5. Check the status of the EC2 instance by running the following command:

    aws ec2 describe-instances --endpoint http:// Snowball_Edge_IP_address:8008  --profile  profile_  name 


    aws ec2 describe-instances --endpoint  http://172.x.x.10:8008  --profile sb2


     State field in the output should appear as the following example. 

    Note the value of the InstanceId field.

"State": {
           "Code": 16,
           "Name": "running"


  1. Check the IP address of the virtual private network interface that we created in Step 4 by running the following command:

    aws ec2 describe-addresses  --endpoint http:// Snowball_Edge_IP_address:8008   --profile  profile_  name 


    aws ec2 describe-addresses  --endpoint  http://172.x.x.10:8008   --profile sb2

    The output should appear as the following example:

 "Addresses": [
"PublicIp": "172.x.x.45"
  1. Associate the IP address of the virtual private network interface with the EC2 instance by running the following command. The IP will be used to access the EC2 instance and to connect to Druva Cloud.

    aws ec2 associate-address --public-ip  PublicIp(EC2_IP_address) --instance-id   InstanceId --endpoint http:// Snowball_Edge_ip_address:8008  --profile  profile_name 


    aws ec2 associate-address --public-ip 172.x.x.45 --instance-id  "snow.i-84e798xxxxxd16d4b" --endpoint  http://172.x.x.10:8008  --profile sb2
  2. Connect to the EC2 instance using the SSH key that is shared by Druva by running the following command:

    ssh -i  keyProvidedbyDruva  root@EC2_IP_address 


    ssh -i  root@172.x.x.45 
  3. Add the Snowball Edge EC2 instance IP address in either the DNS table of the DNS server or in the hosts file of the server to be backed up. The location of the hosts file is as follows:

    • For Windows: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

    • For Linux: /etc/hosts

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