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Microsoft 365 Complete Report for Gov Cloud
Microsoft 365 Complete Report for Gov Cloud
Updated over a week ago

License editions: To understand the applicable license editions, see Plans & Pricing.


This report displays license information, storage statistics, storage alert, last backup status, failed backups, active alerts, restore activity, sharing usage, user rollout. If you configured inSync CloudCache Server for your environment, this report also displays inSync CloudCache Server statistics, such as the server name, the number of users mapped to the server, the number of users ready for restore, the total disk space available for cache data, and the total disk space that the cache data consumed until date.

โ— Important

The Complete report does not include information on the users managed using SCIM provisioning. To view information about the users provisioned using SCIM, see User Provisioning Report.

License Information

The following table lists the fields in the License Information area.



Product edition

The edition of the product. For example, Cloud.

License Edition

The type of the inSync Cloud edition. For example, Enterprise


The type of the inSync Server license. For example, evaluation.


The validity of the inSync Server license.

Endpoints Active License

The total number of Endpoints active licenses allocated to the user.

Endpoints Preserved License

The total number of Endpoints preserved licenses allocated to the user.

Microsoft 365 Active License

The total number of Microsoft 365 active licenses allocated to the user.

Microsoft 365 Preserved License

The total number of Microsoft 365 preserved licenses allocated to the user.

Shared/Resource mailbox License

The total number of Microsoft 365 Shared/Resource mailbox licenses allocated.

Google Workspace Active License

The total number of Google Workspace active licenses allocated to the user.

Google Workspace Preserved License

The total number of Google Workspace preserved licenses allocated to the user.

Slack Active License

The total number of Slack Active licenses allocated to the user.

Licensed Storage

The maximum number of storage that is available per the inSync Server license.

DLP feature

Provides information whether DLP license is available.

Governance feature

Provides information whether Data Governance license is available.

SyncShare feature

Provides information whether Sync Share is enabled.

Share Users

The total number of users using inSync Share.

Guest Users

The total number of guest users using inSync Share.

Granular Admin Rights feature

Provides information whether granular admin rights are enabled.

Sensitive Data Governance feature

Provides information whether Sensitive Data Governance feature is enabled.

Bulk Export feature

Provides information whether bulk export is enabled.


Provides information whether CloudCache is enabled.

inSync Mass deployment

Provides information whether mass deployment is licensed.

inSync Multiple Administrator Roles

Provides information whether multiple administrator roles can be created per the inSync Server license.

inSync Co-branding

Provides information whether inSync can be co-branded per the inSync Server license.

inSync Single Sign-On

Provides information whether Single sign is enabled.

License Usage

The following table lists the fields in the License Usage area.




The total number of active and preserve Endpoints licenses allocated and consumed.

Microsoft 365

The total number of active and preserve Microsoft 365 licenses allocated and consumed.

Shared/Resource mailbox License

The total number of Microsoft 365 Shared/Resource mailbox licenses allocated.

Google Workspace

The total number of active and preserve Google Workspace licenses allocated and consumed.


The total number of active and preserve Share licenses allocated and consumed.

Salesforce Elite

The total number of active Salesforce Elite licenses allocated and consumed.

Salesforce Sandbox Seeding

The total number of active Salesforce Sandbox Seeding licenses allocated and consumed.


The total number of active Salesforce licenses allocated and consumed.

Storage Statistics

The following table lists the fields in the Storage Statistics area.



Storage Name

The name of the storage.

No. of Users

The number of users assigned to the storage.

Storage Usage (MB)

The amount of space consumed by the backup data on storage in MB.

Total size of Backed Up Files (MB)

The total size of the backup data on the storage.

Storage Alert

The following table lists the fields in the Storage Alert area.




The name of the storage.

Alert Details

The details about the alert. For example, Low Database Storage Available.

First Occurrence

The date and time when the alert first occurred.

Latest Occurrence

The date and time when the alert last occurred.


Status about whether the alert is still active.

CloudCache Statistics

The following table lists the fields in the CloudCache Statistics area.

๐Ÿ“ Note

This area is displayed only if you have configured inSync CloudCache Server in your environment.



CloudCache Name

The name of the inSync CloudCache Server.

No. of users

The number of users that are mapped to the inSync CloudCache Server.

No. of users for Restore

The number of users that are ready for restore.

Total Cache Size (MB)

The total disk space available for cache data.

Cache Usage (MB)

The total disk space that the cache data consumed until date.

Last Backup Status

The following table lists the fields in the Last Backup Status Report area.



User Details

The name and email address of the user.

Data Source

The name of the data source that is registered to the user.


The profile that is assigned to the user.

Client Version

The version of inSync Client on user's device.

OS Platform

The operating system of the user's device.

Data Source Status

The status of the user device configured for backup.

Last Successful Backup Time

The date and time of the last successful backup.

Files Backed Up

The number of files backed up.

Files Missed

The number of files that were not backed up.

Bytes Transferred (MB)

The number of bytes transferred during backup.


The status of the backup operation. A device can have the following backup statuses:

  • Backup Failed - inSync failed to back up the device data due to errors in inSync Client.

  • Never Backed Up - inSync never backed up the device data.

  • Backed Up With Errors - inSync was not successful in backing up the complete device data. For example, inSync missed to backup some files due to errors.

  • Backed Up Successfully - inSync successfully backed up the complete device data.

๐Ÿ“ Note

  • The displayed status is of the last ended backup (either successful or failed backup).

  • Backup Status is only updated when another backup ends (either successful or failed backup).

  • inSync does not update the Backup Status in case a backup is interrupted due to network failure, when aborted by a user due to device shutdown or system restart during an ongoing backup.

Backup Details

Additional details about the status of the backup operation. For example, if backups fail due to insufficient storage, the Status column displays Backup Failed as the status and the Backup Details column displays additional details such as Quota limit reached.

Backup Data (MB)

The size of actual backed up data for the device. Actual data signifies the existing backed up data for the device after differential backups.

Allocated Quota (MB)

The quota in MB that is allocated to the user.

Total Backup Data (MB)

The total size of backed up data for the device. Total size is a combination of incremental and differential backup data for the device.

Last Connected

The date and time when the device last connected to inSync server.

๐Ÿ“ Note

The column will be blank for cloud app data source and for those devices which have not yet connected to inSync server.

Current Active Alerts

Displays the count and the active alerts received from the device. For example:

2 Alerts: Client application reported error; Misconfigured Backup Folder

Device OS

The name, version, and platform details of the OS running on the user device.

Failed Backups

The following table lists the fields in the Failed Backups area.




The name of the user.


The email address of the user.

Data Source

The name of the data source that is registered for the user.

Alert Details

The details about the alert. For example, User Backup Inactivity.

First Occurrence

The date and time when the alert first occurred.

Latest Occurrence

The date and time when the alert last occurred.

Active Alerts

The following table lists the fields in the Active Alerts area.




The user and device of the user.

Alert Details

The details about the alert. For example, User Backup Inactivity.

First Occurrence

The date and time when the alert first occurred.

Latest Occurrence

The date and time when the alert last occurred.

Restore Activity

The following table lists the fields in the Restore Activity area.




The name of the user.


The email address of the user.

Data Source

The name of the data source that is registered for the user.


The profile that is assigned to the user.


The type of the restore operation, based on its origin. For example, Admin, Web, self, or mobile.

No of files

The number of files that were restored.

Restore Size (MB)

The number of bytes in MB that were restored.


The status of the restore operation.

Administrator Details

The following table lists the fields in the Administrator Details section.




The name of the administrator.


The email associated with the administrator.


The role assigned to the administrator in inSync.

Last Login Date

The date and timestamp of the most recent login by this admin.

Supported Login Methods (Login Using)

The login mechanism that the administrator uses to log in to inSync.


The country of the administrator as defined in the administrator details.


The time zone of the country.

Created By

The email of the administrator who created the account of the administrator.

Profiles Assigned

List of profiles associated with the administrator. Mouse over to see the complete list of profiles associated. Download the report in CSV format for easy search and sort.

Profile Mapping

The following are the two fields in the Profile Mapping section:

  • Profile Name: The name of the profile.

  • List of Admins: The administrators who are associated with the profile. Download the report in CSV format for easy search and sort.

Salesforce Backup and Restore

The following table lists the fields in the Salesforce Backup and Restore area.



Salesforce Instance

The name of the Salesforce instance on which the activity occurred.

Salesforce User ID

The email id of the Salesforce user for which Salesforce instance is configured.

Activity Time

The date and time on which the activity occurred.

Activity Type

Type of the activity occurred, either Backup or Restore.


The status of the activity occurred.

Data Size

The size of the data backed up or restored, based on the activity occurred.


Additional details for the activity occurred, if any.

Sharing Usage

The following table lists the fields in the Sharing Usage area.




The name of the user.


The email address of the user.


The profile that is assigned to the user.

Total Files

The total number of files that are shared by the user.

Shared Folders

The number of folders that are shared by the user.

Size (MB)

The total size of data that is shared by the user.


The number of links that are created by the user for sharing the data.

Share Status

The share status of active users is displayed. If the User Status and Profile Share setting is set as enabled, the Share Status will be enabled. But if either User Status or Profile Share setting is disabled, the Share Status will be disabled.

User Rollout

The following table lists the fields in the User Rollout area.



User Details

The name and email address of the user.

Added On

The date and time when the user was added.


The profile that is assigned to the user.


The status of the license of the workload, the device belongs to. For example, active or preserved.

Data Source

The name of the data source that is registered to the user.

Activated On

The date and time when the device was activated.

System Settings

The status of whether the device's system settings were backed up.

Last Backup Status

The status of the last backup operation.

Last Backup Time

The time taken for the last backup operation to complete in hours and minutes.

First Backup Status

The status of the first backup operation.

First Backup Size (MB)

The size of the files in MB that were backed up during the first backup operation.

Bytes Transferred (MB)

The number of bytes transferred during backup.

Time Taken (hh:mm)

The time taken for the backup operation to complete in hours and minutes.


The version of inSync Client on the user device.

Last Upgraded On

The date and time when the inSync Client on the user device was last upgraded.

Upgrade State

The upgrade state of inSync Client on the user device. This column shows one of the following values:

  • UPGRADEABLE - Specifies that inSync Client on the user device can be upgraded to a higher version.

  • NOT UPGRADABLE - Specifies that inSync Client on the user device cannot be upgraded.

  • UPTODATE - Specifies that inSync Client on the user device is running on the latest version.

OS Platform

The OS platform on the user device.

Device OS

The name, version, and platform details of the OS running on the user device.

Preserved User Datasources

The following table lists the fields in the Preserved Users area.


The username of the preserved user.


The email address of the preserved user.


The profile assigned to the preserved user.

Endpoints License

Displays the Endpoints preserved license status. For example, preserved or -. - indicates an unlicensed state.

Microsoft 365 License

Displays the Microsoft 365 preserved license status. For example, preserved or -. - indicates an unlicensed state.

Google Workspace License

Displays the Google Workspace preserved license status. For example, preserved or -. `-` indicates an unlicensed state.

Preserved On

The date on which the user was preserved.


Lists the mode through which the user is preserved.

  • Manual - The user is manually marked as preserved through Endpoints or SaaS Apps.

  • AD/LDAP - The user is marked as preserved as part of AD/LDAP sync process.

  • Upgrade - The user was marked preserved (formerly called 'Disabled') prior to the introduction of Preserved User License, available with inSync Cloud 5.8 CU3 released on August 06, 2016. inSync started recording user preservation details from this date. The cause of preservation for such users has been marked as 'Upgrade' with preservation date as August 06, 2016 to clearly identify these users .

Auto Delete On

If Endpoints or SaaS Apps is configured to auto-delete preserved users, Auto Delete On column displays the system calculated date on which the user will be deleted.

Inactive Devices

The following table lists the fields in the Inactive Devices area.



Device Name

The name of the inactive device as registered with inSync.

Device Status

Displays Enabled or Disabled based on the status assigned to the device in inSync.

User Name

User name to which the inactive device is linked.


The status of the license associated with the inactive device. For example, Active or Preserved.

Profile Name

Name of the profile associated with the inactive device.

Last Backup Date

Date and time when inSync performed the last backup from the inactive device.

Last Connected

Date and time when the inactive device last connected to inSync server.

Auto Delete On

If inSync is configured to auto-delete preserved users, Auto Delete On column displays the system calculated date on which the user will be deleted from inSync.

Shared Drives Backup and Restore Report

The following table lists the fields in the Shared Drives Backup and Restore report.



Shared Drives

The name of the Shared Drives on which the activity occurred.

Activity Time

The date and time on which the activity occurred.

Activity Type

Type of the activity occurred, either Backup or Restore.


The status of the activity occurred.

Data Size

The size of the data backed up or restored, based on the activity occurred.


Additional details for the activity occurred, if any.

Global Custodian Report

The following table lists the fields in the Global Custodian report.



Custodian Name

Displays the name of the custodian who is on legal hold.


Displays the email ID of the custodian.

Added On

Displays the date when the custodian was added to a legal hold policy.

Data Source

Displays the data sources that are in legal hold for a custodian.

Legal Hold Name

Displays the user name of the legal hold policy with which the custodian is associated.

Legal Hold Type

Displays the legal hold type.

Displays the legal hold type.

Displays the date and time when the custodian account was created in inSync.

Last Completed Backup

Displays the date and time of last successful backup.

Backup Data

Displays the amount of data backed up for the custodian.

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