Problem description
DR jobs failing with error AWS_DR128
AWS DR Proxy instance's date and time settings are inaccurate, it can result in a discrepancy between the date in the signature and the date of the request, leading to AWS rejecting your requests.
AWS DR Proxy instance firewall rule is blocking NTP outbound Traffic (123/udp)
Verify status of Time settings Proxy
Command: timedatectl
Verify current time, timezone, system clock synchronization status
Verify status of Ubuntu Firewall Rules
Command: ufw status | grep 123
If no output, no rule exists for NTP.
Verify status of Time Services
Command: chronyc activity; chronyc tracking
Look for synchronization error with NTP peer servers
Set Time Zone and Time on Proxy
Set Timezone
Command: timedatectl list-timezones
Command: timedatectl set-timezone β<timezone>β
Set Time
Command: systemctl disable --now chronyd
Command: timedatectl set-time <HH:MM:SS>
Command: systemctl enable --now chronyd
Add firewall Rule for NTP
Command: sudo ufw allow out 123/udp
Verify Time
Command: timedatectl
Verify Firewall
Command: ufw status | grep 123
Verify Time Service
chronyc activity; chronyc tracking
See also
Tags: NTP AWS AWS_DR_128 Time Sync