Splunk is a widely used SIEM tool by customers to monitor logging for threats and risks from different applications centrally.
Druva has two apps published in the Splunk market today:
Druva App for Splunk
Druva Add-on for Splunk
Druva App for Splunk
This app provides the following:
An Operational Overview and Security Overview dashboard which you can use to get an overview of events, graphs, or telemetry
Capability to search for backup, restore, login, or Data Anomaly events
Druva Add-on for Splunk
This is a configuration app that helps with the following:
Add a tenant
Provide the API credentials generated from your Druva tenant
Provide indexing details
π Note: Both apps must be installed to start using the dashboard.
Supported Workload events
Below is a list of different events captured and displayed on the Splunk App:
Endpoints and SaaS Apps events
Backup failure, success, interrupted
Restore failure, success, interrupted
Files missed from backup and restore
All types of alerts, notifications, and admin audit trails
Admin Login
WebDav admin login
Data Anomaly is supported for Endpoints, File Server, NAS, VMware, OneDrive, and SharePoint online events
AD Sync
Data Source
Client Upgrade
Device Replace
Additional Data Collection
User Event
VMware events
Backup Failure
Backup success
Restore Failure
Restore Success
π Note: To view the Security Events, you must have a Security Posture and Observability license.
Operational Overview dashboard
You are displayed with the following 2 tabs:
Endpoints and SaaS Apps
Enterprise Workloads
Endpoints and SaaS Apps tab
Backup or IT administrators can use this dashboard to:
Monitor the deployment health
You can filter the data display using the Time filter. It allows you to filter data based on Real-time, Relative, and so on. Select an option as per your requirement.
Unique number of users: View the unique number of users for Endpoints and SaaS Apps
Unique number of devices: View the unique number of Endpoint devices
Unique number of SaaS Apps devices: View the unique number of Exchange Online, OneDrive, Gmail, and Google Drive devices
Top 15 Users by number of devices: View the top 15 users by device count
Top 15 Users by number of SaaS Apps: View the top 15 users by SaaS Apps device count
Devices/Apps Added over time: Get a graphical summary of devices added over a period that provides information about:
If Druva app is successfully deployed on all user devices
If the data is protected for all users
If there is a backup of additional devices for users
Details of users consuming maximum storage
Details of the deployment rate and the performance of the device addition process
Event Details: View the backup and restore event details such as:
Event ID
Event Type
Event State
Ip address
Profile Name
Event Details
Client OS (Only for Endpoints)
ClientVersion (Only for Endpoints)
Workload Name
Event Description
Event Creation Date
Event Details
Use the Event Type filter to search and view details specific to backup, restore, and so on. For more information, see Supported Workload Events.
Monitor the backup failure trend
Backup failure trend by operating system(OS): View backup failure trend by the operating system platform. It helps you understand if there is a failure pattern with a specific operating system that can be used for further analysis and resolution
Hybrid Workloads tab
Backup or IT administrators can use this dashboard to:
Monitor the deployment health
You can filter the data display using the Time filter. It allows you to filter data based on Real-time, Relative, and so on. Select an option as per your requirement.
Unique number of VMware Backupsets: View the unique number of VMware backupsets for the selected period.
Top 10 Admins by Restore Activity: View the top 10 administrators based on the number of restore activities initiated.
Event Details: View the backup and restore event details such as:
Resource ID
Event Type
Workload Name
Event Description
Event Creation Date
Event Details
Use the Event Type filter to search and view details specific to backup or restore. For more information, see Supported Workload Events.
Monitor the backup failure trend
Backup failure trend: View backup failure trend for each month. It helps you understand if there is a failure pattern in a specific month that can be used for further analysis and resolution
Security Overview dashboard
Security administrators can use this dashboard to:
Monitor anomalous backup activity or threats
Data Anomaly alerts
Get a view of all the Data Anomaly alerts generated with their timestamp that helps you with an ongoing security incident investigation
Get a view of alert distribution based on the severity - Critical and Warning. Critical alerts help get a better understanding of the security incident
Failed login events: Get a view of failed administrator login and WebDav login events at a specific date and time. Multiple failed login events indicate a threat. You can block these unauthorized access actions by deleting the administrator account from Druva console. In case of a genuine loss of credentials for a particular administrator, you can restore access with a password reset
Monitor anomalous restore activities-data exfiltration
Top 15 Users by Restore Activity: View the top 15 users performing restores. Multiple restore events indicate a threat. You can disable the user or device to block unauthorized restores
Installing and Configuring the Druva Splunk App
Perform the following steps to install and configure Druva Splunk App.
Login to the Splunk Console and navigate to Apps > Browse More Apps
In the Browse More Apps search box, type the keyword Druva and click Enter. Two Druva Splunk Apps are displayed.
Click Install on each app one by one. Log in with your Splunk Console admin credentials to install each app.
On the on-prem or Cloud Splunk setup, click Restart Now to restart the Splunk services and then follow the installation instructions on the UI to complete the installation.
Post successful installation, click Druva Add-on for Splunk App in the left pane on Splunk console. You must configure two accounts in the Druva Add-on App for Splunk. First account is for integrating inSync Events and the second is for integrating Data Anomaly Events.
Click Add. Select Anomaly Detection > inSync Events.
From the DCP dashboard left navigation bar > Druva Cloud Settings page generate the API Client ID and Secret Key. Copy the Client ID and Secret Key.
Enter the Client ID and Secret Key that was copied from the Druva console.
Click Add.
Configure the second account. Click Add. Select Anomaly Detection > Ransomware Recovery Events.
From the DCP dashboard left navigation bar > Druva Cloud Settings page generate the API Client ID and Secret Key. Copy the Client ID and Secret Key.
Enter the Client ID and Secret Key that was copied from the Druva console.
Click Add.
Configure indexing details from the Inputs page. You must create two indexing inputs each for inSync Events and Ransomware Recovery Events accounts respectively. Post successful configuration, Druva Splunk App is ready for use.
Click Druva App for Splunk to view the two dashboards: Operations Overview and Security Overview. You can also use search for backup, restore, log in, or Data Anomaly events.
Configure data imports via a proxy
If you don't want that data from Druva should directly reach your Splunk setup, you can configure a proxy. You can provide your proxy's hostname or IP address, and its credentials. In that case, Splunk will try to fetch data from the server that you provide instead of the default configuration that is available with the Druva app.
To configure the proxy in Splunk: