Enable mobile backup using cellular data networks
Updated over a week ago

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It is recommended to use WiFi for backups from mobile devices. However, you can configure it to backup data from mobile devices over cellular data networks when WiFi is not available. You can manage resource consumption through profiles. You cannot do this on an individual user level.

πŸ“ Note
​If cellular data is on, carrier charges may apply.


πŸ“ Note
​You can allow backup over cellular networks through profiles. You cannot do this on an individual user level.

To allow backup over cellular data networks

  1. On the Endpoints console, click Profiles.

  2. Select the profile for which you want to configure folders for backup.

  3. Go to the Edit option at the top right, and click the Endpoints tab from the dropdown. The Edit Profile window appears.

  4. Under the Backup Schedule & Retentions tab,go to the Smartphones/Tablets area.

  5. Select the Use data network in absence of Wi-Fi check box and click Save

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