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View legal hold report
Updated over a year ago


The Legal Hold report provides details about the users, devices, and backup data for a Legal Hold policy. The report contains information about the origin, custody of data and device of a Legal Hold, and ensures that the data is legally admissible in cases of litigations and internal investigations.

The Legal Hold report provides the following capabilities:

  • Gain complete visibility of all the ongoing litigations and investigations in their organization.

  • Know all the custodians that are involved in litigation or Legal Hold.

  • Know when a user was added and/or removed from a Legal Hold.

  • Show the data, data size, and frequency of data that is collected for a custodian as part of a litigation.

  • Know the amount of data that is exposed to any eDiscovery tool, for verifying the authenticity of the electronic data.

Is this report available for my inSync Cloud setup?

You can generate a report only if you have a Governance license available in your inSync Cloud environment. The report will be available after the inSync Cloud setup is upgraded to this functionality.

Who can generate and view the report?

Both the cloud administrators and legal administrators can generate and access the report for all the profiles.

What are the components of the report?

The following table lists the fields:



Legal Hold Policy Name

Name of the Legal Hold policy.

Legal Hold Policy Type

The type selected for the Legal Hold policy.

Data Access Policy

Data access policy configured for the Legal Hold policy.

Created By

Name of the administrator who created the Legal Hold policy.

Created On

Date when the Legal Hold policy is created.

No of Custodians

Number of users who are associated with the Legal Hold policy.

No of Devices

Total number of devices that are added to the Legal Hold policy.

Total data Size (GB)

The total size of data that is exposed in WebDAV for all the data sources that are a part of the Legal Hold policy. This does not include the data backed up for System and App settings. For more information, see Persona Backup and OS Migration.

User name

Name of the users who are associated with the Legal Hold policy.

User Email Id

Email address of the users who are associated with the Legal Hold policy.

Data Source

Name of the data sources that are a part of the Legal Hold policy.

Client OS

The operating system of the device.

Backup Data Size

Size of backed-up data available through WebDAV.

On Hold Since

Date when the user was added to the Legal Hold policy.

Last Completed Backup

Date and time of the last successful backup.

Last Backup Status

Status of the last backup.

inSync Profile

The profile associated with the user of this Legal Hold policy.

Data Backup Schedule

Scheduled backup interval defined in the profile associated with this user.

Data Configured for Collection

The folder names that are configured by both the administrators and the inSync users and are exposed in WebDAV.

System State Data

Displays the amount of System and App settings data backed up for this user during the last successful backup.

Total System State Data

Displays the total amount of System and App settings data backed up for this user.

Label of the User-Identifier Custom Attribute

📝 Note
This label appears only when you have enabled User-Identifier Custom Attribute in the AD/LDAP settings as well as opted to display the User-Identifier Custom Attribute on the Users page.

The actual User-Identifier CustomAttribute of the user from your registered AD/LDAP.

​Generate the Legal Hold report

  1. On the Management Console menu bar, click Data Governance > Legal Hold. The Overview page appears.

  2. Click the global navigation icon to access the Global Navigation Panel and click Data Governance > eDiscovery. The Overview page is displayed.

  3. Click Legal Holds on the left pane and click the Legal Hold policy name for which you want to view the report. The details for the Legal Hold policy appear.

  4. Click Email Legal Hold Report.

The report will be emailed to the email address that is configured for your account. The report is emailed in CSV format.

Frequently asked questions

Can the Legal Hold report be scheduled to run at a specific time interval?

No, this report is not a scheduled report and cannot be configured to run at a specific schedule. This is an on-demand report, where the cloud administrator or legal administrator must generate the report per the requirement.

What is displayed in the report if a user is removed from Legal Hold or the Legal Hold policy is deleted?

If a user is removed from the Legal Hold, then all the user entries will be deleted from the Legal Hold report. Previous entries will not be maintained.

What all data will this report generate results on?

This report will include user's data on computers, mobile devices, and cloud applications.

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